Simultenous Interpretation


4000+ Accredited Interpreters

Surveys after surveys have shown that people prefer to learn about products and services in their own language, and U.S. and foreign companies are starting to realize that a monolingual approach to business is a competitive disadvantage. Fourteen percent of U.S. and Global Fortune 2000 companies—companies like Google, Cisco, eBay, Twitter, Microsoft, and Marriott—report a loss of business opportunities due to lack of world language skills.” (CSA Research) We at TheSpeech are not only offering more than 150 languages and 4000+ live accredited interpreters, but we also make these simultaneous interpretations without any local staff or infrastructure, and we enable you to make this available to your audience anywhere around the World. The robust and intuitive platform of TheSpeech connects your events with live interpreters, and we broadcast these interpretations to the mobile phone or desktop browser of anyone, anywhere. The robust and intuitive platform of TheSpeech connects your events with interpreters, and we broadcast these interpretations live to the mobile phone or desktop browser of anyone, anywhere.