Copyright policy


If You join the world of TheSpeech (the “Platform”) You have to respect copyrights. Please only use our interpretation service for the content that you made, or you are authorized to publish.

So, you might order our interpretation service for content which is not yours and / or someone else`s copyright protects such content, but you always have to make sure that you got the necessary authorizations or permissions.

Please note, that our Platform is streaming interpretation voice channels. The interpretation itself is not protected by copyright, however the original content might be. So before using any of the interpretation voice channels always ask the permission of the customer first who published it.

If you notice that an uploaded content is violating someone`s copyrights please report it to the administrative team of the Platform via email to the address: []. After treceipt of the report our administrative team will review the content in question. If the staff founds that your content violates our copyright policy we will immediately remove it from the Platform. If you violate this copyright policy 3 times you will be permanently banned from using the Platform.

If you provide evidence that you had been accused wrongly with the infringement of copyrights, we will restore the content in question immediately.

Please note, that the operators / owners of the Platform only do the streaming of live simultaneous interpretation, so we do not take any legal responsibility for the uploaded content.


Thank you very much,

